currently: singing loud and enjoying life
Angie is always down for a challenge. If that challenge is to get your grandpa to wear a unicorn mask, then she will achieve her goal. She is quite possibly the kindest human, but also just loads, and loads of fun. Angie has this sense of making a room feel comfortable, so you can be very confident that everyone will love to be by the photo booth, because Angie is there!
5 things you may not (need to) know about Angiepink hippo?
Angie is so confident in herself, and her abilities that she will dance or sing with anyone, anywhere. The best way to show this is when a bride asked her to dress up in a hippo costume and dance during the party she said - "obviously!" She is the best. her own language
Speaking in normal people format doesn't work for Angie. All of her conversations will include some song lyrics at one point or another. pets
She is convinced that one day she will own a unicorn and llama. We keep on trying to tell her that unicorns do not exist, but she just straight up doesn't listen. sparkle
Angie will wear/own anything that sparkles. Just like her personality. bsu
Angie currently is a theater major at BSU. Hence the reason for the singing and dancing all the days. |